EXPLAINERS Getting Started

1. Introduction

This document takes you step by step through the process of setting up a Web project to use the UIZE JavaScript Framework. "Hello, world" awaits you.

2. Download UIZE

If you haven't already downloaded the zip archive of the UIZE Web site, DOWNLOAD IT NOW.

Then come back to this page and continue on with the rest of the instructions.

3. Unzip the Archive

Locate the archive file that you downloaded (probably on your desktop) and unzip it (probably by double-clicking on it).

Extract the contents of the archive to a folder on your desktop, or any other desired location. You'll end up with a UIZE-JavaScript-Framework-master folder that contains a local copy of the UIZE JavaScript source code along with the source code for the uize.com Web site.

4. Run the UIZE Dev Server

If you have NodeJS installed on your machine, then you can easily run the UIZE dev server (if you don't have NodeJS installed yet, go ahead - it's easy).

Go into a Bash window, change your current / working directory to the UIZE-JavaScript-Framework folder, and then execute the command...

node build.js Uize.Build.WebServer isDev=true

In your terminal window, you should immediately get the confirmation message "Server running at". Now you should be able to go to that URL in your Web browser and view the uize.com Web site running in from your local machine.

The cool thing about the UIZE dev server is that it has a build-on-demand process that will result in built files being automatically rebuilt upon request when they become invalid because some source file they're derived from has been updated. That means that you can hack around with the source code of examples and JavaScript modules, reload the page, and all the neceesary bits get rebuilt for your automatically. This is a great way to hack and learn, especially when it comes to fiddling with the widget source files like the .js.jst HTML template files and the .csst CSS template files.

5. Build the Web Site

The UIZE download contains only the source code for the framework, so the site needs to be built so you can browse working pages and hack the examples.

The Web site can be built very easily, either using Windows Script Host in Windows, or using NodeJS on any operating system.

5.1. Mac OS & Linux

On Mac OS or Linux, the Web site can be built by running the build script in NodeJS.

First make sure that you have NodeJS installed on your system. Once you do, go into a Bash window, change your current / working directory to the UIZE-JavaScript-Framework folder, and then execute the command...

node build.js Uize.Build.All

5.2. Windows

On Windows, the Web site can be built by running the build script in either WSH (Windows Script Host) or NodeJS.

WSH - To run the build using WSH (Windows Script Host), which is built into Windows, simple double click on the WSH-Uize.Build.All.bat batch file that is at the root of the UIZE-JavaScript-Framework folder.
NodeJS - To run the build using NodeJS on Windows, just follow the steps for building the site on Mac OS & Linux.

5.3. The Full Build Takes a While

The full build of the uize.com Web site may take a couple of minutes (you may want to step away for a moment and brew a cup of coffee).

There's lots of stuff to build and your terminal window will be subjected to a torrent of log output - don't worry, it can handle it.

5.4. The Built Web Site

Once you've built the Web site, there will be a site-built folder under the UIZE-JavaScript-Framework folder.

The site-built folder will contain the entire built Web site for the UIZE JavaScript Framework - the very same Web site that is available online at uize.com. To view the Web site locally without a Web server, you can simply drag the index.html file into your Web browser of choice.

6. Create Your UIZE Project


7. Getting Support

To get support, you can join the official UIZE JavaScript Framework Group.

7.1. Join the Online Users' Group

You may want to consider joining the UIZE JavaScript Framework Group, so you can ask other developers questions as you start using the UIZE JavaScript Framework.

The official UIZE JavaScript Framework Group is the place where developers can discuss ways that they're using UIZE in their own projects. Join up so you can get support, give support, learn tips and tricks, show off your cool projects built on UIZE, and generally get involved in the discussion on all things UIZE. JOIN NOW

And for additional support tips, consult the SUPPORT page.

8. What Next?

Now that you have successfully installed the UIZE JavaScript Framework and set up a Web site project to use it, you will want to learn more about the many feature areas of the framework and how you might use different parts of its large feature set in your own projects.

To get an overview of the functionality of the UIZE JavaScript Framework, consult the explainer Overview of Features.