UIZE JavaScript Framework

Latest News

The UIZE JavaScript Framework is constantly evolving and improving. This document provides a summary of some of the latest developments.
2015-10-31 - MIGRATED MODULE: Uize.Cookie  The Uize.Cookie module has been migrated to under the new Uize.Util.Browser namespace as Uize.Util.Browser.Cookies. 2015-10-24 - DEPRECATED MODULE - Uize.Fade.xFactory  The Uize.Fade.xFactory module has been deprecated as an extension module that extends the Uize.Fade class, in favor of the new Uize.Fade.Factory pure package module containing static methods. 2015-09-20 - NEW SHOWCASE: EVER:CLOCK  EVER:CLOCK is a fun, themeable, online digital clock that can be loaded straight into your modern Web browser. 2015-04-17 - Deprecated Uize.Data Module Killed  The Uize.Data module that was deprecated back in April of 2014 has now finally been killed - Uize.Data now exists purely as a namespace for various other data utility modules. 2015-01-11 - Uize.Node Modules Deprecated  All modules under the Uize.Node namespace have been migrated to under the new Uize.Dom namespace. 2014-12-09 - NEW TOOL: Pseudo-localizer  The new Pseudo-localizer tool (which makes use of the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer widget module) lets you experiment with the technique of pseudo-localiztion. 2014-11-16 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.Widget  The new Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.Widget module implements a widget class for a rating stars widget. 2014-11-15 - Deprecated Modules Killed  Various deprecated alias modules under the Uize.String namespace, that were left in place for backwards compatibility purposes after the modules were migrated to the new Uize.Str namespace, have finally been killed. 2014-06-22 - NEW METHOD: Uize.Str.Limit.lengthize  The new Uize.Str.Limit.lengthize static method, implemented in the Uize.Str.Limit module, lets you adjust the length of a source string to a new desired length, adding padding or performing truncation as necessary, and with the option of specifying the alignment for the source text in the new string. 2014-06-17 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Math.Blend  The new Uize.Math.Blend module provides a way to blend two values to produce a new, interpolated value, with support for blending arbitrarily complex data structures, quantization, and interpolation curve functions (and structures). 2014-06-14 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Templates.Text.Table  The new Uize.Templates.Text.Table JavaScript Template module lets you generate a text-based table layout of data that can be used when outputting to logs, consoles, terminals, etc. 2014-06-03 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Util.ModuleNaming  The new Uize.Util.ModuleNaming module provides utility methods to help with following the various UIZE conventions for module naming. 2014-05-31 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar  The new Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar JavaScript Template module lets you generate a text progress bar string that can be used when outputting to logs, consoles, terminals, etc. 2014-05-25 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Str.Whitespace  The new Uize.Str.Whitespace module provides methods for testing if strings contain whitespace characters, if they contain non-whitespace characters, if they are only whitespace or non-whitespace characters, and for finding the first index or last index of whitespace or non-whitespace characters. 2014-05-23 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Loc.Pseudo  The new Uize.Loc.Pseudo module provides methods to facilitate the pseudo-localization of the resource strings of an application. 2014-04-30 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Data.Diff  The new The Uize.Data.Diff module provides a way to compare all the leaf node properties of two data objects and report the property differences in the form of a diff result object. 2014-04-04 - DEPRECATED MODULE - Uize.Data  The Uize.Data module has been deprecated as a package module containing static methods, in favor of it becoming a pure namespace module. 2013-12-30 - Custom toString Methods Eliminated  The custom toString methods - defined for all modules in the Uize base module, and defined for all classes and instances of classes in the Uize.Class module - have been eliminated. 2013-12-26 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Data.Flatten  The new Uize.Data.Flatten module provides methods for flattening a hierarchical / tree structured object to a flat, key/value hash table, as well as unflattening a key/value hash table to produce a hierarchical / tree structured object. 2013-11-24 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Util.Html.Encode  The new Uize.Util.Html.Encode module provides utility methods for HTML encoding and HTML decoding of strings. 2013-11-23 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Util.Html.EntityInfo  The new Uize.Util.Html.EntityInfo module defines a lookup object that maps HTML entity character codes to description / categorization information about the entities. 2013-11-20 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Util.Html.Entities  The new Uize.Util.Html.Entities module defines lookup objects that map HTML entity names to character codes, and vice versa. 2013-11-17 - New Short Form for Namespace Modules  A new and more compact module declaration syntax has been created for pure namespace modules. 2013-11-10 - Deprecated Methods Killed  Various methods that were deprecated in January of 2013 have now been killed. 2013-11-04 - NEW EXAMPLE: HTML Entities Table  The new HTML Entities Table example presents the user with a sortable table that lists all the HTML named entities (as defined by various ISO standards). 2013-10-28 - New Uize.applyAll Method  The new Uize.applyAll statice method, implemented in the Uize base module, provides a convenient way to call a list of functions on a specified context, with an optional list of arguments. 2013-10-27 - NEW NAMESPACE: Uize.Math  The new Uize.Math namespace has been created to provide a home for various math-related modules of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. 2013-10-21 - Uize.String Module Deprecated  The Uize.String module has been deprecated in favor of various, smaller modules under the Uize.Str and Uize.Array namespaces. 2013-10-15 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Math.Matrix2D  The new Uize.Math.Matrix2D module provides support for building and applying 2-D affine transformations in a 2-dimensional plane. 2013-09-16 - Improved Property Changed Events  The Changed.[propertyName] event, that fires when a state property of a UIZE class instance changes value, has been improved with the addition of a newValue property in the event object. 2013-09-15 - New whenever Instance Method for Classes  The new whenever instance method, implemented in the Uize.Class base class module, provides a way to register a handler that should be executed whenever a specified condition becomes met. 2013-09-11 - New Uize.Util.Dependencies Module  The new Uize.Util.Dependencies utility module provides methods for working with dependency relationships in a generic way. 2013-08-27 - New Uize.since Static Method  The new Uize.since static method, implemented in the Uize base module, returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) that has elapsed since the specified date. 2013-08-26 - New addChildren Instance Method for Uize.Widget.V2  The new addChildren instance method, implemented in the Uize.Widget.V2 class, lets you conveniently add multiple child widgets in a single method call, by specifying the children in an object that maps child names to child properties. 2013-08-17 - Uize.Test.declare Becomes Uize.Test.resolve  The Uize.Test.declare static method of the Uize.Test class has been renamed to Uize.Test.resolve. 2013-08-14 - New onChange Instance Method for Classes  The new onChange instance method, implemented in the Uize.Class base class module, provides a way to register a handler that should be executed each time the value of a state properties derivation changes. 2013-06-23 - Improved Object Support in SimpleDoc  The object block feature in SimpleDoc has been improved with the addition of support for specifying object block data in JSON format, along with support for widget object blocks. 2013-06-11 - New Uize.package Method  The new Uize.package method, implemented in the Uize base module, lets you conveniently create a JavaScript package with a specified set of statics (static methods and/or static properties) in a single statement. 2013-05-26 - New Uize.isArguments Method  The new Uize.isArguments method, implemented in the Uize base module, tests if a value is a function arguments object. 2013-05-19 - New Uize.Class.doMy Static Method  The new Uize.Class.doMy static method, implemented in the Uize.Class base class and inherited by all subclasses, provides a convenient and semantically more elegant way to call an instance method of a class on a specified instance. 2013-03-31 - New Uize.copyList Method  The new Uize.copyList method, implemented in the Uize base module, lets you conveniently copy the elements of a list object into a fresh array. 2013-03-30 - New Uize.push Method  The new Uize.push static method, implemented in the Uize base module, lets you conveniently push / append the elements from a source list onto the end of a target list. 2013-03-28 - Improved required Directive in JST Templates  The @required directive, that is part of the JST template system implemented in the Uize.Template module, has been improved to allow the required modules to be specified in an arbitrarily long list of string arguments. 2013-03-25 - New Uize.Url.toRelative Method  The new Uize.Url.toRelative static method, implemented in the Uize.Url module, lets you create a relative URL from a base URL to a destination URL. 2013-03-22 - New Uize.merge Method  The new Uize.merge method, implemented in the Uize base module, lets you merge the contents of multiple source objects together into a fresh object. 2013-03-21 - New Uize.copy Method  The new Uize.copy method, implemented in the Uize base module, lets you copy the properties from one or more source objects into a freshly created object. 2013-01-28 - Uize.Wsh Migrated to Uize.Build.Wsh  The Uize.Wsh module, that is used for the few build scripts that can only be run in Windows Scripting Host, has been migrated to under the Uize.Build namespace as Uize.Build.Wsh. 2013-01-26 - New isMet Instance Method in Uize.Class  The new isMet instance method, implemented in the Uize.Class base class module, returns a boolean, indicating whether or not the specified condition is met. 2013-01-25 - New Uize.global Method  The new Uize.global static method, implemented in the Uize base module, lets you get a reference to the global object. 2013-01-24 - Quarantined Code Execution  The Uize module now provides static methods to facilitate the quarantined execution of JavaScript code.