UIZE JavaScript Framework

2009 News

This is the news archive for the UIZE JavaScript Framework for the year 2009.
2009-12-14 - NEW EXAMPLE: Fade CSS Style Across Nodes  The new Fade CSS Style Across Nodes example shows how the Uize.Fx.fadeStyleAcrossNodes method of the Uize.Fx module can be used to apply interesting color gradient effects to the items in a navigation menu, from the tasteful to the outlandish. 2009-12-13 - NEW METHOD: Uize.Fx.fadeStyleAcrossNodes  The new Uize.Fx.fadeStyleAcrossNodes static method, implemented in the Uize.Fx module, lets you easily fade values for an arbitrary number of CSS style properties across a specified set of nodes. 2009-12-10 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.Collection  Reference documentation has been completed for the Uize.Widget.Collection widget class. 2009-12-03 - NEW EXAMPLE: Hover Fader Text Shadow Animation  The new Hover Fader Text Shadow Animation example demonstrates how the Uize.Fx.xTextShadow extension module can be used in conjunction with the Uize.Widget.HoverFader class to produce stunning menu animation effects that include text shadow animation. 2009-12-02 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Fx.xTextShadow  The new Uize.Fx.xTextShadow extension module implements support for animating the CSS3 text-shadow property, enabling a wide variety of stunning effects. 2009-12-01 - Uize.Fx Now Extensible  The Uize.Fx module can now be extended, with extension modules that can provide support for animating CSS style properties that are not supported in the base Uize.Fx module. 2009-11-28 - Support for Standard DOM Event Naming  The DOM event management system, implemented in the Uize.Node module, has been improved with the addition of support for standard DOM event naming. 2009-11-25 - NEW GUIDE: JavaScript DOM Events  The new JavaScript DOM Events guide discusses managing the wiring and unwiring of event handlers for DOM events of HTML elements in the context of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. 2009-11-19 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Data.NameValueRecords  The new Uize.Data.NameValueRecords module provides methods for converting between a hash object and an array with elements representing name-value pairs. 2009-11-16 - New Support for Wiring Window Events  Wiring of events on the window object is now supported by both the Uize.Node and Uize.Widget modules. 2009-11-16 - Improved DOM Event Management  The DOM event management system, implemented in the Uize.Node module, has been improved with the addition of the versatile new Uize.Node.wire and Uize.Node.unwire static methods. 2009-11-08 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget  The Uize.Widget module has been improved with the addition of the new wireNode instance method that replaces the now deprecated wireNodeEvent and wireNodeEvents instance methods, and with the addition of the new unwireNode instance method that replaces the now deprecated unwireNodeEvent instance method. 2009-11-08 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Node  The Uize.Node.unwireEventsByOwnerId static method of the Uize.Node module has been improved with the addition of support for arrays of node references for the node property of the method's eventMatchOBJ parameter. 2009-11-04 - UIZE Adds Support for CSV (Comma Separated Values)  The UIZE JavaScript Framework has added support for CSV (Comma Separated Values) formatted data, in the form of the new Uize.Data.Csv module. 2009-11-04 - MIGRATED MODULE: Uize.Simple Becomes Uize.Data.Simple  The Uize.Simple module has been migrated to under the Uize.Data namespace to become Uize.Data.Simple, to get it out of the root Uize namespace. 2009-10-28 - NEW METHOD: Uize.String.hasPadding  The new Uize.String.hasPadding static method of the Uize.String module returns a boolean, indicidating whether or not the specified string has whitespace padding on either - or both - of its sides (i.e. leading or trailing whitespace). 2009-10-26 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.Calculator  Reference documentation has been completed for the Uize.Widget.Calculator module. 2009-10-22 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Node.Event  The new Uize.Node.Event module is a package module under the Uize.Node namespace that provides convenient methods for abstracting differences between the DOM node event systems of different browsers. 2009-10-20 - NEW EXAMPLE: JavaScript Calculator Widget  The new JavaScript Calculator Widget example provides a demonstration of the Uize.Widget.Calculator widget class. 2009-10-15 - NEW FEATURE: Function Type Localized Resources  A new feature of the JavaScript Localization system allows localized resources to be functions, allowing for the creation of more sophisticated localized resources with conditional logic. 2009-10-14 - NEW EXAMPLE: Date Picker  The new Date Picker example shows how the date picker widget lets users pick dates within configured date ranges, inside a shared date picker dialog. 2009-10-12 - NEW WIDGET: Uize.Widget.Picker.Date  The new Uize.Widget.Picker.Date class implements a date picker widget, using a deferred loaded date picker modal dialog to let the user select a date. 2009-10-10 - UPDATED DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget  Documentation has been added for the insertUi and insertOrWire instance methods, and the idPrefixConstruction state properties of the Uize.Widget module. 2009-10-10 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize  It is now possible to set the value of state properties to undefined using the set instance method. 2009-10-06 - EXAMPLE / FEATURE TOURS  A new feature on the UIZE Web site lets you go on a step by step tour through a series of examples that are grouped by theme or feature. 2009-10-02 - MIGRATED MODULE: Uize.Discombobulator  The Uize.Discombobulator module, with its somewhat bizarre, esoteric, and undocumented string munging functionality, has been migrated to under the Uize.String namespace, as Uize.String.Discombobulator, to get it out of the root Uize namespace. 2009-09-29 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.Calendar  Reference documentation has been added for the Uize.Widget.Calendar widget class. 2009-09-28 - NEW METHOD: Uize.Date.equal  The new Uize.Date.equal static method of the Uize.Date module lets you easily test if two dates exist together within the same logical date range. 2009-09-26 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget.Calendar  The Uize.Widget.Calendar module has been improved with the addition of the two new minValue and maxValue state properties that take over from the now deprecated validDateRange state property. 2009-09-24 - New Module URL Resolver Facility  The Uize base class has been improved with the addition of the new Uize.moduleUrlResolver static property. 2009-09-23 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Date  The Uize.Date module has been improved with the addition of the Uize.Date.format, Uize.Date.getRangeAround, and Uize.Date.inRange static methods, and an improved implementation for the Uize.Date.resolve static method. 2009-09-08 - Deprecated Modules Killed  The Uize.Widget.Window and Uize.Widget.Palette backwards compatibility alias modules, and the various other alias modules under these namespaces, have finally been killed. 2009-09-06 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Widget.ListEditor  The new Uize.Widget.ListEditor module implements a widget that lets the user build and edit a simple list of string values. 2009-09-06 - NEW EXAMPLE: Domain List Editor  The new Domain List Editor example demonstrates how the Uize.Widget.ListEditor class can be used to create an interface that lets the user build up a list of domain names. 2009-08-31 - NEW EXAMPLE: setNodeValue on Multi-select  The new setNodeValue on Multi-select example demonstrates how the setNodeValue instance method of the Uize.Widget base class can be used to conveniently set the value of a multi-select select tag (i.e. where its multiple attribute is set to the value 'multiple'). 2009-08-31 - IMPROVED MODULES: Uize.Node and Uize.Widget  The Uize.Node and Uize.Widget modules have been improved with new support for multi-select select tags in the Uize.Node.getValue and Uize.Node.setValue static methods of the Uize.Node module, and the getNodeValue and setNodeValue instance methods of the Uize.Widget module. 2009-08-31 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget.Calendar  The Uize.Widget.Calendar module has been improved with the addition of the new snapViewOnValueChange state property, which lets you control whether or not the values of the month and year state properties should automatically be set when the value of the value state property changes. 2009-08-31 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Date  The Uize.Date.resolve static method of the Uize.Date module has been improved to now also support resolving string date values that are not in ISO 8601 format. 2009-08-27 - UIZE Now Available Under Dual License  The UIZE JavaScript Framework is finally available under either the MIT License or the GNU General Public License. 2009-08-18 - NEW EXAMPLE: Hover Fader Color Effects  The new Hover Fader Color Effects example demonstrates how the Uize.Widget.HoverFader class can be used to create stunning menu animation effects to liven up your Web pages. 2009-08-18 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget.HoverFader  The Uize.Widget.HoverFader module has been improved with the addition of a new fadeInOut state property, special handling of the reverse fade property, and an improved tickle instance method that offers support for fade properties. 2009-08-09 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming  Reference documentation has been added for the Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming widget class. 2009-08-08 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming  The Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming module has been improved with the addition of the new deadMargin and zoomFadeProperties state properties. 2009-08-07 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Fade.xSeries  The new Uize.Fade.xSeries module is an extension module that extends the Uize.Fade class by adding static and instance methods for interpolating a series of values between specified start and end values. 2009-08-06 - NEW GUIDE: JavaScript Animation and Effects  The new JavaScript Animation and Effects guide discusses very thoroughly the support for animation in the UIZE JavaScript Framework. 2009-08-01 - IMPROVED EXAMPLE: Hover Fader Stretching Menu  The Hover Fader Stretching Menu example has been improved with the addition of programmatic links that let you preview the different kinds of JavaScript animation effects that can be achieved by simply using different curves to control the fade in and fade out. 2009-07-30 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.CollectionItem  Reference documentation has been added for the Uize.Widget.CollectionItem widget class. 2009-07-18 - NEW TOOL: Curve Explorer  The Curve Explorer tool (which makes use of the Uize.Curve, Uize.Curve.Rubber, and Uize.Curve.Mod modules, among others) provides a UI for visualizing and experimenting with curve functions. 2009-07-17 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Curve.Mod  The Uize.Curve.Mod module is a package under the Uize.Curve namespace that defines various curve function modifiers, enabling the creation of new curve functions by combining existing curve functions. 2009-07-14 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Curve.Rubber  The new Uize.Curve.Rubber module is a package under the Uize.Curve namespace, and defines various "rubbery" easing curve function generators, some of which are based on the easing equations work of Robert Penner. 2009-07-12 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Curve  The new Uize.Curve module is a package under the Uize namespace that defines a namespace for other curve related modules (such as the Uize.Curve.Rubber and Uize.Curve.Mod modules), that provides some basic services that are useful for creating such curve related modules, and that also provides a number of the more commonly used curve function generators as built-ins. 2009-07-10 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Fade  The Uize.Fade module has been improved with the addition of a new curve state property, a new Uize.Fade.celeration static method, and with a more robust implementation for the inProgress state property. 2009-07-08 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize  The Uize base class has been improved with the addition of a new superclass static property and an improved behavior for inheriting static properties in subclasses. 2009-07-05 - UPDATED MODULE: Uize.Widget.Calendar  The nextMonth, previousMonth, nextYear, and previousYear instance methods of the Uize.Widget.Calendar class have been killed. 2009-07-02 - NEW EXAMPLE: Coupled Zooming Collection Items  The new Coupled Zooming Collection Items example demonstrates how the Uize.Coupler class can be used to easily couple together two instances of the Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming widget class. 2009-07-01 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Coupler  The new Uize.Coupler class implements a mechanism for coupling two or more instances of any Uize subclass by synchronizing the values of a definable group of state properties. 2009-06-30 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize  The Uize base class has been improved with the addition of the new Changed.* instance event - a wildcard event that is fired whenever one or more state properties change value as a result of a call to the set instance method. 2009-06-29 - NEW DOCUMENTATION  Documentation has been added for the Uize.Widget.FormElement class and the Uize.Widget.spawn static method of the Uize.Widget base class. 2009-06-28 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget.Options  The Uize.Widget.Options class has been improved with the addition of the optionWidgetClass, optionWidgetProperties, and setValueOnMouseover state properties, and the forAll instance method. 2009-06-27 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Node  The Uize.Node module has been improved in a couple of ways. 2009-06-26 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget  The Uize.Widget base class has been improved in a number of ways. 2009-06-24 - More Support for Find Expressions  Various modules now support a find expression object in place of a list of nodes, including the Uize.Widget.HoverFader, Uize.Widget.AutoTooltip, and Uize.Widget.ThumbZoom widget classes. 2009-06-22 - NEW EXAMPLE: Hover Fader Stretching Menu  The new Hover Fader Stretching Menu example demonstrates how the Uize.Widget.HoverFader widget class can be used to create a stretching menu effect. 2009-06-21 - NEW STRING METHODS: startsWith and endsWith  The Uize.String module has been improved with the addition of the new Uize.String.startsWith and Uize.String.endsWith static methods. 2009-06-17 - NEW EXAMPLE: Zooming Collection Item  The new Zooming Collection Item example demonstrates use of the Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming widget class. 2009-06-16 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget.Page  The widget adoption mechanism implemented in the Uize.Widget.Page widget class has been improved to support a syntax for declaring spawning of multiple widgets. 2009-06-10 - NEW GUIDE: JavaScript Libraries  The new JavaScript Libraries guide discusses JavaScript library files and how they can be used to improve the performance of Web pages. 2009-06-07 - Event System Improvements  The event system of the UIZE JavaScript Framework has been improved with more concisely named methods and the addition of a dedicated event relay facility. 2009-05-29 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.Scrolly  Reference documentation has been added for the Uize.Widget.Scrolly module. 2009-05-28 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget.Scrolly  The Uize.Widget.Scrolly module has been revamped and improved in a number of ways. 2009-05-27 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.Committer  Reference documentation has been added for the Uize.Widget.Committer module. 2009-05-25 - Miscellaneous Module Improvements  Various miscellaneous improvements have been made to a number of modules. 2009-05-24 - IMPROVED DOCUMENTATION  A number of significant improvements have been made to the documentation for the UIZE JavaScript Framework. 2009-05-23 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.Page  Reference documentation has been added for the Uize.Widget.Page module. READ IT NOW 2009-05-18 - NEW GUIDE: Using the Documentation  The new Using the Documentation guide discusses some tips for using the documentation on the UIZE Web site more effectively. 2009-05-18 - NEW GUIDE: Getting Started  The new Getting Started guide provides set-by-step instructions for new users of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. 2009-05-11 - NEW EXAMPLE: Deck Swapper  The new Deck Swapper example demonstrates use of the Uize.Widget.Swap.Deck widget class. 2009-05-10 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Widget.Swap.Deck  The new Uize.Widget.Swap.Deck module manages the displayed state of different DOM nodes in a deck of DOM nodes, with support for swapping between the last displayed node and the new displayed node using a configurable transition effect. 2009-05-06 - NEW GUIDE: Overview of Features  The new Overview of Features guide provides a very thorough overview of the most important features and areas of functionality of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. 2009-04-28 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Color.xUtil  The new Uize.Color.xUtil extension module extends the Uize.Color object by adding instance and static methods for mixing, blending, comparing, sorting, and otherwise working with colors. 2009-04-28 - NEW EXAMPLE: Color Sort by RGB Proximity  The new Color Sort by RGB Proximity example demonstrates the proximity-based color sorting functionality of the UIZE JavaScript Framework, as implemented in the Uize.Color.xUtil module. 2009-04-27 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Color.xHsv  The new Uize.Color.xHsv extension module extends the Uize.Color object by defining the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space. 2009-04-25 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Color.xSvgColors  The new Uize.Color.xSvgColors extension module extends the Uize.Color object by defining the over one hundred named colors that are defined in the SVG 1.0 / CSS Color Module Level 3 specifications. 2009-04-25 - NEW EXAMPLE: Sortable Color Table  The new Sortable Color Table example presents the user with a sortable table of the named colors defined in the SVG 1.0 / CSS Color Module Level 3 specifications. 2009-04-17 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Color  The Uize.Color module has been dramatically improved, with the addition of a framework for color spaces, a framework for color encodings, a framework for named colors, built-in support for the sRGB and HSL color spaces, and a diverse array of built-in color encodings. 2009-04-16 - Uize.Color.RgbColor: setHex Deprecated  The setHex instance method of the Uize.Color.RgbColor object in the Uize.Color package has been deprecated in favor of the more versatile setColor instance method. 2009-04-15 - Uize.Node.setStyle and setNodeStyle Improved  The Uize.Node.setStyle static method of the Uize.Node module and the setNodeStyle instance method of the Uize.Widget module have been improved in a number of ways. 2009-04-15 - DOCUMENTATION UPDATES  Documentation has been added for... 2009-04-14 - Bug Fix: Unwiring Node Events  A bug has been fixed with the Uize.Node.unwireEventsByOwnerId static method of the Uize.Node module and the unwireNodeEvent and unwireNodeEventsByMatch instance methods of the Uize.Widget module. 2009-04-13 - Framework Change: Uize.getBlankImageUrl Migrated  The Uize.getBlankImageUrl static method has been migrated from the Uize base class into the Uize.Widget class. 2009-04-09 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Implied Nodes  Documentation has been added to the JavaScript Widgets guide, describing the implied nodes facility. 2009-04-06 - BUG FIXES & TWEAKS  A number of bug fixes and minor tweaks have been made, including... 2009-04-05 - NEW EXAMPLE: Hover Fader for Thumbnails  The new Hover Fader for Thumbnails example demonstrates the versatility of the animation support provided in the UIZE JavaScript Framework. 2009-04-02 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget  The Uize.Widget class has been improved in a number of ways. 2009-04-01 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Fx  The Uize.Fx module has been improved in a number of ways. 2009-03-31 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Color  The Uize.Color module has been improved in a number of ways. 2009-03-27 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Node  The Uize.Node.getStyle static method of the Uize.Node module now supports the opacity style property. 2009-03-27 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize  The RootClass class, which dangled like a vestigial appendage on the code of the Uize module, has been neatly tucked away. 2009-03-26 - GENERAL IMPROVEMENT: Reduced Global Pollution  Various framework-specific identifiers that were polluting the global namespace have been eliminated. 2009-03-25 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget.HoverFader  The Uize.Widget.HoverFader widget class has been improved with support for the fading of more CSS style properties. 2009-03-24 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Fx  The new Uize.Fx package module provides a convenient way to initiate fades of CSS style properties. 2009-03-23 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Node  The Uize.Node module has been improved with the introduction of a new Uize.Node.getStyle static method to replace the now deprecated Uize.Node.getStyleAttribute method, and which provides parity with the companion Uize.Node.setStyle static method. 2009-03-22 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Color  The Uize.Color module has been improved to now support an optional "#" prefix when specifying hex RGB color values. 2009-03-21 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Fade.xFactory  The Uize.Fade.xFactory extension module has been improved with the additional of an optional startNowBOOL parameter for various of its static methods. 2009-03-19 - NEW GUIDE: JavaScript Build Scripts  The new JavaScript Build Scripts guide discusses all the ins and outs of the JavaScript build scripts that are used for the UIZE Web site project, and that you can use in your own Web site projects to automate certain build tasks. 2009-03-17 - Improved Module Declaration Mechanism  The module declaration mechanism (utilizing the Uize.module static method) has been improved in a number of ways to provide greater flexibility in how - and when - modules are declared. 2009-03-14 - Improved Build Scripts  The various build scripts that are bundled with the UIZE JavaScript Framework download (used for the UIZE Web site project, and that you can use in your own Web site projects to automate certain build tasks) have been improved in a number of ways. 2009-03-11 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Wsh  The Uize.Wsh module has been improved in a number of ways. 2009-03-09 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Wsh.AutoScruncher  The Uize.Wsh.AutoScruncher module now also builds JavaScript library (.library.js) files. 2009-03-08 - NEW METHOD: Uize.String.hugJoin  The new Uize.String.hugJoin static method of the Uize.String module returns a string that is the concatenation of the specified array of items, where a prefix and suffix can be specified for hugging each item in the array, and where an optional separator can additionally be specified. 2009-03-05 - IMPROVED METHOD: toString Intrinsic Method  The toString Intrinsic Method that is implemented in the Uize base class has been improved to better support package modules and also to do a better job of representing state property values that are class or package references when producing summaries for instances or classes. 2009-02-25 - NEW METHOD: Uize.Data.isEmpty  The new Uize.Data.isEmpty method (implemented in the Uize.Data module) returns a boolean value, indicating whether or not the specified object or array is empty. 2009-02-24 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget  The localize instance method (implemented in the Uize.Widget base class) has been changed to now always use '{KEY}' as default token naming syntax. 2009-02-23 - NEW GUIDE: JavaScript Troubleshooting  A newly added JavaScript Troubleshooting guide discusses various troubleshooting techniques. 2009-02-22 - IMPROVED DOCS: JavaScript Interview Questions  The JavaScript Interview Questions appendix has been improved with the addition of two new interview questions. 2009-02-21 - IMPROVED DOCS: JavaScript Modules  The JavaScript Modules guide has been updated with new information on the Alias Module module type, and a new section exploring Different Kinds of Module Loaders. 2009-02-20 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget.Options  The Uize.Widget.Options class has been improved with the addition of a new tentativeValueNo state property, and also now supports a values array with elements that are objects (rather than just strings or numbers). 2009-02-16 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.Swap  Full documentation has been added for the Uize.Widget.Swap class. 2009-02-15 - NEW EXAMPLE: Uize.Widget.Swap.Image  The new Uize.Widget.Swap.Image example demonstrates the image swap effect implemented in the Uize.Widget.Swap.Image class, as well as the many effect presets available in the Uize.Widget.Swap.xPresets extension module. 2009-02-14 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Widget.Swap.xPresets  A plethora of effect presets for the Uize.Widget.Swap class have been made available in the new Uize.Widget.Swap.xPresets extension module. 2009-02-13 - BUG FIX: Uize.Widget.Swap  A bug has been fixed with handling of the dissolve state property that was causing opacity to get left in a bad state in certain cases when switching effect settings. 2009-02-07 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.Dialog  Complete reference documentation has been added for the new Uize.Widget.Dialog class. READ IT NOW 2009-02-05 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.Dialog.xResizable  Complete reference documentation has been added for the new Uize.Widget.Dialog.xResizable extension module. READ IT NOW 2009-02-03 - Consolidation of Dialog Classes  The Uize.Widget.Palette class (and its subclasses) and the Uize.Widget.Window class (and its subclasses) have been consolidated into the new Uize.Widget.Dialog class (and subclasses). 2009-02-02 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: JavaScript Localization  Documentation has been added explaining internationalization and localization techniques in the context of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. 2009-01-30 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget  The localize instance method of the Uize.Widget base class has been improved with support for a new optional tokenNamingSTR parameter. 2009-01-30 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize  The Uize.substituteInto static method of the Uize base class has been improved with support for substitution values in array or simple type values, and by the addition of the optional tokenNamingSTR parameter. 2009-01-22 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.ImageWipe  Full documentation has been added for the Uize.Widget.ImageWipe class. 2009-01-21 - IMPROVED EXAMPLE: ImageWipe  The ImageWipe example has been improved in a number of ways. 2009-01-20 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Widget.ImageWipe.xPresets  Wipe effect presets that used to reside in the Uize.Widget.ImageWipe module have been moved out into the new Uize.Widget.ImageWipe.xPresets extension module. Additionally, many slick new wipe presets have been added in this new module. 2009-01-19 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget.ImageWipe  The Uize.Widget.ImageWipe widget class has been improved in a number of ways. 2009-01-18 - NEW EXAMPLE: Dynamic Options  A new Dynamic Options example has been added. 2009-01-18 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Widget  The Uize.Widget module has been improved with the addition of a new facility for supporting inline JST (JavaScript Template) script blocks for declaring a widget's HTML generator. 2009-01-17 - PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS: Uize.Node  The performance of the Uize.Node.setClipRect and Uize.Node.setOpacity static methods of the Uize.Node module have been improved. 2009-01-15 - IMPROVED METHODS: Uize.indexIn and Uize.isIn  The Uize.indexIn and Uize.isIn static methods of the Uize base class now support loose (i.e. non-strict) equality matching. 2009-01-12 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Widget Adoption  Documentation has been added for the Widget Adoption mechanism of the Uize.Widget.Page class. 2009-01-11 - NEW DOCUMENTATION: Uize.Widget.MagView  Reference documentation has been provided for the state properties of the Uize.Widget.MagView class. 2009-01-08 - NEW METHOD: Uize.Data.map  The Uize.Data module has been enhanced by the addition of a highly versatile Uize.Data.map static method. 2009-01-05 - NEW EXAMPLE: Fading Links  The new Fading Links example demonstrates how the Uize.Widget.HoverFader widget class can be used to add an animated color fading effect to the links in five different menus. 2009-01-03 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Widget.HoverFader  The new Uize.Widget.HoverFader module makes it easy to wire up a specified set of nodes for a hover color fade effect. 2009-01-02 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Fade.xFactory  The new Uize.Fade.xFactory module adds factory methods to the Uize.Fade class for conventiently initiating fades, and implements a mechanism for automatically managing a pool of active fade instances. See the reference documentation for more details.