UIZE JavaScript Framework

2012 News

This is the news archive for the UIZE JavaScript Framework for the year 2012.
2012-12-31 - Uize.Class Gets Feature Declaration Methods  The Uize.Class base class has been improved with the addition of several new feature declaration methods that let you declare instance and/or static features for a class. 2012-12-29 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Util.Needs  The new Uize.Util.Needs module, implements a mechanism for expressing needs/provides relationships in a semantically elegant way. 2012-12-22 - New Behavior for Ad Hoc Properties  Support for ad hoc state properties for classes, as implemented in the Uize.Class base class module, has been improved so that an ad hoc property created on an instance of a class no longer affects the underlying class. 2012-12-18 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Build.ModuleInfo  The new Uize.Build.ModuleInfo module provides various methods for obtaining information about JavaScript modules. 2012-09-23 - UizeDotCom Namespace Renamed to UizeSite  The UizeDotCom namespace has been renamed to simply UizeSite in order to make it TLD (Top Level Domain) agnostic. 2012-09-15 - Improved Support for Conditions  Support for conditions in UIZE has been improved with the addition of support for compound conditions in the once instance method of the Uize.Class module. 2012-09-03 - Improved Module Mechanism  The module mechanism of the UIZE JavaScript Framework has been improved with the addition of support for parallel ascynchronous loading of required modules and the new Uize.require static method. 2012-08-18 - Set-get Properties Become State Properties  Set-get properties, a core system of the UIZE JavaScript Framework, has been renamed to "state properties". 2012-08-13 - New met and unmet Instance Methods for Classes  The new met and unmet instance methods provide a semantically elegant way to use state properties to represent conditions and to set conditions as having been met or being unmet. 2012-08-12 - Improved once Method for Classes  The once instance method, implemented in the Uize.Class base class module, has been improved with support for optional condition inversion. 2012-08-05 - New is Instance Method for Classes  The new is instance method, implemented in the Uize.Class base class module, provides a semantically elegant way to test if the value of an instance's state property is truthy. 2012-08-04 - Improved Setting of State Properties  Setting of state properties has been improved with convenient new variations for the set instance method and the Uize.Class.set static method, implemented in the Uize.Class base class module. 2012-07-22 - New once Instances Method for Classes  The Uize.Class module, that implements the class mechanism for the UIZE JavaScript Framework, has been improved with the addition of a once instance method for state properties. 2012-07-08 - Build Script Modules Migrated  Various build scripts used for building the UIZE project and the UIZE Web site have been migrated. 2012-07-07 - Auto-derived Scruncher Mappings  With a recent improvement in the auto scruncher (implemented in the Uize.Build.AutoScruncher module), it is no longer necessary to specify unique mappings for scrunched identifier names in a ScruncherSettings comment in source files. 2012-06-27 - New Uize.resolveMatcher Method  The new Uize.resolveMatcher static method, implemented in the Uize base module, resolves the specified matcher (of any type) to a matcher function. 2012-06-25 - New Uize.resolveTransformer Method  The new Uize.resolveTransformer static method, implemented in the Uize base module, resolves the specified transformer (of any type) to a transformer function. 2012-06-23 - New Uize.isRegExp Method  The new Uize.isRegExp static method, implemented in the Uize base module, returns a boolean, indicating whether or not the specified value is a regular expression (i.e. an instance of JavaScript's built-in RegExp object). 2012-05-05 - UIZE Adds Support for Singletons  UIZE has added support for singletons in the form of the new Uize.Class.singleton static method implemented in the Uize.Class base class and inherited by all Uize.Class subclasses. 2012-03-24 - New Uize.canExtend Method  The new Uize.canExtend static method, implemented in the Uize base module, returns a boolean, indicating whether or not the specified value can be extended with custom properties. 2012-02-19 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Data.Combinations  The new Uize.Data.Combinations module provides methods for generating object or array combinations from a combination specifier, with support for an optional combination transformer and combination matcher. 2012-01-28 - New Uize.now Method  The new Uize.now static method, implemented in the Uize base module, returns the current time in milliseconds since 1970 (POSIX time). 2012-01-22 - New Uize.mergeInto Method  The new Uize.mergeInto static method, implemented in the Uize base module, merges the contents of one or more source objects into the specified target object, and returns the target object as the result. 2012-01-15 - New Uize.getClass Method  The new Uize.getClass static method, implemented in the Uize base module, gets the class of which a specified value is an instance, or returns the value if it is a class or function. 2012-01-14 - New Uize.toNumber Method  The new Uize.toNumber static method, implemented in the Uize base module, lets you coerce a value to a number, with defaulting if it cannot be coerced successfully. 2012-01-12 - New Uize.isSameAs Method  The new Uize.isSameAs static method tests if two values are the same in a strict equality test, with support for NaN values. 2012-01-11 - New Uize.isNaN Method  The new Uize.isNaN static method, implemented in the Uize base module, returns a boolean value, indicating whether or not the specified value is the JavaScript special value NaN. 2012-01-10 - Class Mechanism Moved Into Uize.Class  The class mechanism that was implemented in the Uize module has been moved out of that module and into the new Uize.Class module.