UIZE JavaScript Framework

2009 NEWS 2009-05-25 - Miscellaneous Module Improvements

Various miscellaneous improvements have been made to a number of modules.

1. IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Node.Form

The new Uize.Node.Form.setDisabled static method of the Uize.Node.Form module enables or disables all of the form elements found within a specified root node, using the "disabled" node attribute.


Two new minor features have been added to the Uize.Comm base class.

A new cutToHead property is supported for request objects specified when calling the request or queueRequest instance methods of the Uize.Comm class (and its subclasses), where specifying the value true for this property will cause the request to cut to the head of the request queue.
The new flushCache instance method lets you flush the cached response for a specific request, or lets you flush the entire response cache for the instance.


Two new static methods have been added to the Uize.Wsh module.

The new Uize.Wsh.getFiles static method returns an array, being a listing of the files contained inside the specified folder, where each element of the array is a string representing the path for a file.
The new Uize.Wsh.getScriptFolderPath static method returns a string, representing the folder path for the folder from which the current script is being executed.