UIZE JavaScript Framework

2009 NEWS 2009-06-24 - More Support for Find Expressions

Various modules now support a find expression object in place of a list of nodes, including the Uize.Widget.HoverFader, Uize.Widget.AutoTooltip, and Uize.Widget.ThumbZoom widget classes.

For example, the thumbNodes state property of the Uize.Widget.ThumbZoom class previously only accepted an array of nodes. This meant that a method such as the Uize.Node.find static method would first need to be used in order to get an array of nodes. Instead, the find expression object that would be supplied to the Uize.Node.find method can now be specified directly as the value for the thumbNodes state property. This new facility is particularly useful when using the declarative syntax for widget adoption, as it means that the Uize.Node package is not required at the time that a widget declaration is made for these classes that accept a find expression object.