UIZE JavaScript Framework

2010 NEWS 2010-06-07 - Improved Date Picker Widget

The date picker widget, implemented in the Uize.Widget.Picker.Date module, has been improved to correctly support date entry in a wide variety of different formats.

Previously, dates selected by the user in the date picker dialog could be formatted in the date picker widget's text input field using a configurable date format, as specified in the Uize.Widget.Picker.Date class' displayFormat state property. However, the date picker dialog could only parse dates specified in a format that could be recognized by the Uize.Date.resolve method. The new implementation uses the Uize.Date.Formatter.parse method of the new Uize.Date.Formatter module to parse dates in any format specified by the displayFormat property. This change also involves improvements to the Uize.Widget.Calendar, Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker, Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.Date, and Uize.Widget.Picker modules.