UIZE JavaScript Framework

2010 NEWS 2010-07-15 - NEW EXAMPLE: UIZE Unit Tests

The new UIZE Unit Tests example lets you select and run any of the test modules of the UIZE JavaScript Framework.

In the example, a test module selector lets you choose your test module. On selecting a test module, the test module is loaded dynamically. After it has loaded, you can use the "START TESTS" button to start running the tests contained inside the selected test module. While the tests are being performed, a progress bar is updated to show how far you are through the tests. Also, a log is written to with details of the tests being performed. You can stop the tests at any time using the "STOP TESTS" button. If one of the tests fails (none should, of course), test execution is aborted and a synopsis of the failure is displayed in a dialog. To run the entire test suite for the UIZE JavaScript Framework, you can select the Uize.Test.UnitTests test module.