SOURCE CODE: Uize.Test.Uize.Date.Formatter


|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Test.Uize.Date.Formatter Class
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2010-2014 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Test
  importance: 2
  codeCompleteness: 90
  docCompleteness: 100

    The =Uize.Test.Uize.Date.Formatter= module defines a suite of unit tests for the =Uize.Date.Formatter= module.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`

Uize.module ({
  builder:function () {
    'use strict';

    function _newDate (_year,_month,_dayNo,_hours,_minutes,_seconds,_milliseconds) {
      var _date = new Date (
        +_year + (_year < 100 && 400),
        (+_month || 1) - 1,
        +_dayNo || 1,
        +_hours || 0,
        +_minutes || 0,
        +_seconds || 0,
        +_milliseconds || 0
      _year < 100 && _date.setFullYear (_year);
      return _date;
      /*** various test dates, for use in tests for different methods ***/
        _testDate = _newDate (2001,9,11,8,46,40,95),
        _testDateInvalid = new Date (NaN),
        _testDateYearWithOneDigit = _newDate (9,1,1),
        _testDateYearWithTwoDigits = _newDate (99,1,1),
        _testDateYearWithThreeDigits = _newDate (999,1,1),
        _testDateYearWithFourDigits = _newDate (9999,1,1),
        _testDateMonthWithOneDigit = _newDate (2001,1,1),
        _testDateMonthWithTwoDigits = _newDate (2001,12,1),
        _testDateDateWithOneDigit = _newDate (2001,1,1),
        _testDateDateWithTwoDigits = _newDate (2001,1,31),

        /*** dates for different months ***/
          _testDateMonthIsJan = _newDate (2001,1,1),
          _testDateMonthIsFeb = _newDate (2001,2,1),
          _testDateMonthIsMar = _newDate (2001,3,1),
          _testDateMonthIsApr = _newDate (2001,4,1),
          _testDateMonthIsMay = _newDate (2001,5,1),
          _testDateMonthIsJun = _newDate (2001,6,1),
          _testDateMonthIsJul = _newDate (2001,7,1),
          _testDateMonthIsAug = _newDate (2001,8,1),
          _testDateMonthIsSep = _newDate (2001,9,1),
          _testDateMonthIsOct = _newDate (2001,10,1),
          _testDateMonthIsNov = _newDate (2001,11,1),
          _testDateMonthIsDec = _newDate (2001,12,1),

        /*** dates for different days of the week ***/
          _testDateDayIsSun = _newDate (2001,1,7),
          _testDateDayIsMon = _newDate (2001,1,8),
          _testDateDayIsTue = _newDate (2001,1,9),
          _testDateDayIsWed = _newDate (2001,1,10),
          _testDateDayIsThu = _newDate (2001,1,11),
          _testDateDayIsFri = _newDate (2001,1,12),
          _testDateDayIsSat = _newDate (2001,1,13),

        /*** dates for different times of the day ***/
          _testDateTimeIsMidnight = _newDate (2001,1,1,0,0,0,0),
          _testDateTimeIsJustBeforeNoon = _newDate (2001,1,1,11,59,59,999),
          _testDateTimeIsNoon = _newDate (2001,1,1,12,0,0,0),
          _testDateTimeIs1pm = _newDate (2001,1,1,13,0,0,0),
          _testDateTimeIsJustBeforeMidnight = _newDate (2001,1,1,23,59,59,999)

    return Uize.Test.resolve ({
      title:'Test for Uize.Date.Formatter Module',
        Uize.Test.requiredModulesTest ('Uize.Date.Formatter'),
        Uize.Test.staticMethodsTest ([
            /*** test handling of the {YYYY} token ***/
              ['Test that the {YYYY} token is handled correctly for years with one digit',
              ['Test that the {YYYY} token is handled correctly for years with two digits',
              ['Test that the {YYYY} token is handled correctly for years with three digits',
              ['Test that the {YYYY} token is handled correctly for years with four digits',
              ['Test that the {YYYY} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {YY} token ***/
              ['Test that the {YY} token is handled correctly for years with one digit',
              ['Test that the {YY} token is handled correctly for years with two digits',
              ['Test that the {YY} token is handled correctly for years with three digits',
              ['Test that the {YY} token is handled correctly for years with four digits',
              ['Test that the {YY} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {MM} token ***/
              ['Test that the {MM} token is handled correctly for months with one digit',
              ['Test that the {MM} token is handled correctly for months with two digits',
              ['Test that the {MM} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {monthNo} token ***/
              ['Test that the {monthNo} token is handled correctly for months with one digit',
              ['Test that the {monthNo} token is handled correctly for months with two digits',
              ['Test that the {monthNo} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {monthName} token ***/
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for January',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for February',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for March',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for April',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for May',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for June',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for July',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for August',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for September',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for October',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for November',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for December',
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {shortMonthName} token ***/
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for January',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for February',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for March',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for April',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for May',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for June',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for July',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for August',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for September',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for October',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for November',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for December',
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {DD} token ***/
              ['Test that the {DD} token is handled correctly for dates with one digit',
              ['Test that the {DD} token is handled correctly for dates with two digits',
              ['Test that the {DD} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {dayNo} token ***/
              ['Test that the {dayNo} token is handled correctly for dates with one digit',
              ['Test that the {dayNo} token is handled correctly for dates with two digits',
              ['Test that the {dayNo} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {dayNoSuffix} token ***/
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 1st of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,1),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 2nd of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,2),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 3rd of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,3),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 4th of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,4),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 10th of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,10),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 11th of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,11),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 12th of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,12),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 13th of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,13),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 14th of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,14),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 20th of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,20),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 21st of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,21),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 22nd of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,22),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 23rd of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,23),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 24th of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,24),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 30th of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,30),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the 31st of the month',
                [_newDate (2001,1,31),'{dayNoSuffix}'],
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {dayName} token ***/
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Sunday',
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Monday',
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Tuesday',
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Wednesday',
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Thursday',
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Friday',
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Saturday',
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {shortDayName} token ***/
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Sunday',
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Monday',
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Tuesday',
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Wednesday',
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Thursday',
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Friday',
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Saturday',
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {hh} token ***/
              ['Test that the {hh} token is handled correctly when the time is midnight',
              ['Test that the {hh} token is handled correctly when the time is just before noon',
              ['Test that the {hh} token is handled correctly when the time is noon',
              ['Test that the {hh} token is handled correctly when the time is 1pm',
              ['Test that the {hh} token is handled correctly when the time is just before midnight',
              ['Test that the {hh} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {h12} token ***/
              ['Test that the {h12} token is handled correctly when the time is midnight',
              ['Test that the {h12} token is handled correctly when the time is just before noon',
              ['Test that the {h12} token is handled correctly when the time is noon',
              ['Test that the {h12} token is handled correctly when the time is 1pm',
              ['Test that the {h12} token is handled correctly when the time is just before midnight',
              ['Test that the {h12} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {hh12} token ***/
              ['Test that the {hh12} token is handled correctly when the time is midnight',
              ['Test that the {hh12} token is handled correctly when the time is just before noon',
              ['Test that the {hh12} token is handled correctly when the time is noon',
              ['Test that the {hh12} token is handled correctly when the time is 1pm',
              ['Test that the {hh12} token is handled correctly when the time is just before midnight',
              ['Test that the {hh12} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {ampm} token ***/
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly when the time is midnight',
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly when the time is just before noon',
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly when the time is noon',
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly when the time is 1pm',
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly when the time is just before midnight',
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {mm} token ***/
              ['Test that the {mm} token is handled correctly when the minutes is 0',
              ['Test that the {mm} token is handled correctly when the minutes is 59',
              ['Test that the {mm} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {minutes} token ***/
              ['Test that the {minutes} token is handled correctly when the minutes is 0',
              ['Test that the {minutes} token is handled correctly when the minutes is 59',
              ['Test that the {minutes} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {ss} token ***/
              ['Test that the {ss} token is handled correctly when the seconds is 0',
              ['Test that the {ss} token is handled correctly when the seconds is 59',
              ['Test that the {ss} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {seconds} token ***/
              ['Test that the {seconds} token is handled correctly when the seconds is 0',
              ['Test that the {seconds} token is handled correctly when the seconds is 59',
              ['Test that the {seconds} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {zzz} token ***/
              ['Test that the {zzz} token is handled correctly when the milliseconds is 0',
              ['Test that the {zzz} token is handled correctly when the milliseconds is 9',
                [_newDate (2001,1,1,11,59,59,9),'{zzz}'],
              ['Test that the {zzz} token is handled correctly when the milliseconds is 99',
                [_newDate (2001,1,1,11,59,59,99),'{zzz}'],
              ['Test that the {zzz} token is handled correctly when the milliseconds is 999',
              ['Test that the {zzz} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test handling of the {milliseconds} token ***/
              ['Test that the {milliseconds} token is handled correctly when the milliseconds is 0',
              ['Test that the {milliseconds} token is handled correctly when the milliseconds is 9',
                [_newDate (2001,1,1,11,59,59,9),'{milliseconds}'],
              ['Test that the {milliseconds} token is handled correctly when the milliseconds is 99',
                [_newDate (2001,1,1,11,59,59,99),'{milliseconds}'],
              ['Test that the {milliseconds} token is handled correctly when the milliseconds is 999',
              ['Test that the {milliseconds} token is handled correctly for an invalid date',

            /*** test that date to format can be specified in a number of other different ways ***/
              ['Test that date to format can be specified as a string',
                [_testDate + '','{YYYY}-{MM}-{DD}'],
              ['Test that date to format can be specified as a string in ISO8601 format',
              ['Test that date to format can be specified as a millisecond integers number',

            /*** miscellaneous tests ***/
              ['Test that the same token can be used more than once in the format string',
              ['Test that characters surrounding tokens are preserved',
                [_testDate,'year: {YYYY}, YEAR: {YYYY}, Year --> {YYYY} <-- Year'],
                'year: 2001, YEAR: 2001, Year --> 2001 <-- Year'
              ['Test that all tokens can be used in the same format string',
                  'YY: {YY}, YYYY: {YYYY}, MM: {MM}, monthNo: {monthNo}, monthName: {monthName}, shortMonthName: {shortMonthName}, DD: {DD}, dayNo: {dayNo}, dayNoSuffix: {dayNoSuffix}, dayName: {dayName}, shortDayName: {shortDayName}, hh: {hh}, h12: {h12}, hh12: {hh12}, mm: {mm}, minutes: {minutes}, ss: {ss}, seconds: {seconds}, zzz: {zzz}, milliseconds: {milliseconds}, ampm: {ampm}'
                'YY: 01, YYYY: 2001, MM: 09, monthNo: 9, monthName: September, shortMonthName: Sep, DD: 11, dayNo: 11, dayNoSuffix: th, dayName: Tuesday, shortDayName: Tue, hh: 08, h12: 8, hh12: 08, mm: 46, minutes: 46, ss: 40, seconds: 40, zzz: 095, milliseconds: 95, ampm: am'
              ['Test that the default format is {dayName}, {dayNo}{dayNoSuffix} {monthName} {YYYY}',
                'Tuesday, 11th September 2001'
            /*** test that non-string values for date to parse are handled correctly ***/
              ['Test that a date specified as a Date object instance is handled correctly',
              ['Specifying the value null for the date to parse produces the value undefined',
              ['Specifying an empty string for the date to parse produces the value undefined',
              ['Test that a date specified as a number is handled correctly',

            /*** test handling of the {YYYY} token ***/
              ['Test that the {YYYY} token is handled correctly when year is specified with four digits',
                _newDate (2001,1,1)
              ['Test that the {YYYY} token is handled correctly when year is less than 100 (ie. year is not placed in 20th century)',
                _newDate (99,1,1)
              ['Test that the {YYYY} token does not match numbers with less than four digits specified',

            /*** test handling of the {YY} token ***/
              ['Test that the {YY} token is handled correctly when year is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (1999,1,1)
              ['Test that the {YY} token is handled correctly when year is less than 10',
                _newDate (1909,1,1)
              ['Test that the {YY} token does not match numbers with less than two digits specified',
              ['Test that the {YY} token will match only the first two digits in a four digit year',
                _newDate (1920,1,1)

            /*** test handling of the {MM} token ***/
              ['Test that the {MM} token is handled correctly when month is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,12,1)
              ['Test that the {MM} token is handled correctly when month is less than 10',
                _newDate (0,9,1)
              ['Test that the {MM} token does not match a two digit number that is greater than 12',
              ['Test that the {MM} token does not match a two digit number that is less than 1 (ie. 0)',
              ['Test that the {MM} token does not match numbers with less than two digits specified',

            /*** test handling of the {monthNo} token ***/
              ['Test that the {monthNo} token is handled correctly when month is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,12,1)
              ['Test that the {monthNo} token is handled correctly when month is specified with one digit',
                _newDate (0,9,1)
              ['Test that the {monthNo} token will not match a two digit number that is greater than 12, but will instead match only the first digit',
                _newDate (0,7,1)
              ['Test that the {monthNo} token does not match a one digit number that is less than 1 (ie. 0)',

            /*** test handling of the {monthName} token ***/
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for January',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for February',
                _newDate (0,2,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for March',
                _newDate (0,3,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for April',
                _newDate (0,4,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for May',
                _newDate (0,5,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for June',
                _newDate (0,6,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for July',
                _newDate (0,7,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for August',
                _newDate (0,8,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for September',
                _newDate (0,9,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for October',
                _newDate (0,10,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for November',
                _newDate (0,11,1)
              ['Test that the {monthName} token is handled correctly for December',
                _newDate (0,12,1)

            /*** test handling of the {shortMonthName} token ***/
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for January',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for February',
                _newDate (0,2,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for March',
                _newDate (0,3,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for April',
                _newDate (0,4,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for May',
                _newDate (0,5,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for June',
                _newDate (0,6,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for July',
                _newDate (0,7,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for August',
                _newDate (0,8,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for September',
                _newDate (0,9,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for October',
                _newDate (0,10,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for November',
                _newDate (0,11,1)
              ['Test that the {shortMonthName} token is handled correctly for December',
                _newDate (0,12,1)

            /*** test handling of the {DD} token ***/
              ['Test that the {DD} token is handled correctly when date is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,1,31)
              ['Test that the {DD} token is handled correctly when date is less than 10',
                _newDate (0,1,9)
              ['Test that the {DD} token does not match a two digit number that is greater than 31',
              ['Test that the {DD} token does not match a two digit number that is less than 1 (ie. 0)',
              ['Test that the {DD} token does not match numbers with less than two digits specified',

            /*** test handling of the {dayNo} token ***/
              ['Test that the {dayNo} token is handled correctly when day number is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,1,10)
              ['Test that the {dayNo} token is handled correctly when day number is specified with one digit',
                _newDate (0,1,9)
              ['Test that the {dayNo} token will not match a two digit number that is greater than 31, but will instead match only the first digit',
                _newDate (0,1,3)
              ['Test that the {dayNo} token does not match a one digit number that is less than 1 (ie. 0)',

            /*** test handling of the {dayNoSuffix} token ***/
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the "st" suffix',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the "nd" suffix',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the "rd" suffix',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token is handled correctly for the "th" suffix',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayNoSuffix} token does not match a date string with no {dayNoSuffix} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {dayName} token ***/
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Sunday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Monday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Tuesday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Wednesday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Thursday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Friday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayName} token is handled correctly for Saturday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {dayName} token does not match a date string with no {dayName} value name',

            /*** test handling of the {shortDayName} token ***/
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Sunday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Monday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Tuesday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Wednesday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Thursday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Friday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token is handled correctly for Saturday',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {shortDayName} token does not match a date string with no {shortDayName} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {hh} token ***/
              ['Test that the {hh} token is handled correctly when hour is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,1,1,23)
              ['Test that the {hh} token is handled correctly when hour is less than 10',
                _newDate (0,1,1,9)
              ['Test that the {hh} token is handled correctly when the hour is 0',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {hh} token does not match a two digit number that is greater than 23',
              ['Test that the {hh} token does not match numbers with less than two digits specified',
              ['Test that the {hh} token does not match a date string with no {hh} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {h12} token ***/
              ['Test that the {h12} token is handled correctly when hour is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {h12} token is handled correctly when hour is less than 10',
                _newDate (0,1,1,9)
              ['Test that the {h12} token does not match a number that is less than 1 (ie. 0)',
              ['Test that the {h12} token does not match a number that is greater than 12, but will instead match only the first digit',
                _newDate (0,1,1,1)
              ['Test that the {h12} token does not match a date string with no {h12} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {hh12} token ***/
              ['Test that the {hh12} token is handled correctly when hour is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {hh12} token is handled correctly when hour is less than 10',
                _newDate (0,1,1,9)
              ['Test that the {hh12} token does not match a two digit number that is less than 1 (ie. 0)',
              ['Test that the {hh12} token does not match a two digit number that is greater than 12',
              ['Test that the {hh12} token does not match numbers with less than two digits specified',
              ['Test that the {hh12} token does not match a date string with no {hh12} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {ampm} token ***/
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly for am, when no hour is specified',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly for pm, when no hour is specified',
                _newDate (0,1,1,12)
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly for the time 12am',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly for the time 1am',
                _newDate (0,1,1,1)
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly for the time 11am',
                _newDate (0,1,1,11)
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly for the time 12pm',
                _newDate (0,1,1,12)
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly for the time 1pm',
                _newDate (0,1,1,13)
              ['Test that the {ampm} token is handled correctly for the time 11pm',
                _newDate (0,1,1,23)
              ['Test that the {ampm} token does not match a date string with no {ampm} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {mm} token ***/
              ['Test that the {mm} token is handled correctly when minutes is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,59)
              ['Test that the {mm} token is handled correctly when minutes is less than 10',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,9)
              ['Test that the {mm} token does not match a two digit number that is greater than 59',
              ['Test that the {mm} token is handled correctly when the minutes is 0',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {mm} token does not match numbers with less than two digits specified',
              ['Test that the {mm} token does not match a date string with no {mm} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {minutes} token ***/
              ['Test that the {minutes} token is handled correctly when minutes is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,59)
              ['Test that the {minutes} token is handled correctly when minutes is specified with one digit',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,9)
              ['Test that the {minutes} token does not match a two digit number that is greater than 59, but will instead match only the first digit',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,6)
              ['Test that the {minutes} token is handled correctly when the minutes is 0',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {minutes} token does not match a date string with no {minutes} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {ss} token ***/
              ['Test that the {ss} token is handled correctly when seconds is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,59)
              ['Test that the {ss} token is handled correctly when seconds is less than 10',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,9)
              ['Test that the {ss} token does not match a two digit number that is greater than 59',
              ['Test that the {ss} token is handled correctly when the seconds is 0',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {ss} token does not match numbers with less than two digits specified',
              ['Test that the {ss} token does not match a date string with no {ss} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {seconds} token ***/
              ['Test that the {seconds} token is handled correctly when seconds is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,59)
              ['Test that the {seconds} token is handled correctly when seconds is specified with one digit',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,9)
              ['Test that the {seconds} token does not match a two digit number that is greater than 59, but will instead match only the first digit',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,6)
              ['Test that the {seconds} token is handled correctly when the seconds is 0',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {seconds} token does not match a date string with no {seconds} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {zzz} token ***/
              ['Test that the {zzz} token is handled correctly when milliseconds is specified with three digits',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,0,999)
              ['Test that the {zzz} token is handled correctly when milliseconds is less than 100',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,0,99)
              ['Test that the {zzz} token is handled correctly when milliseconds is less than 10',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,0,9)
              ['Test that the {zzz} token is handled correctly when the milliseconds is 0',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {zzz} token does not match numbers with only two digits specified',
              ['Test that the {zzz} token does not match numbers with only one digit specified',
              ['Test that the {zzz} token does not match a date string with no {zzz} value specified',

            /*** test handling of the {milliseconds} token ***/
              ['Test that the {milliseconds} token is handled correctly when milliseconds is specified with three digits',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,0,999)
              ['Test that the {milliseconds} token is handled correctly when milliseconds is specified with two digits',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,0,99)
              ['Test that the {milliseconds} token is handled correctly when milliseconds is specified with one digit',
                _newDate (0,1,1,0,0,0,9)
              ['Test that the {milliseconds} token is handled correctly when the milliseconds is 0',
                _newDate (0,1,1)
              ['Test that the {milliseconds} token does not match a date string with no {milliseconds} value specified',

            /*** test handling of extraneous text ***/
              ['Test that tokens may be interspersed within extraneous static text',
                _newDate (2001,9,11)
              ['Test that static text in a date format must exist in a date string in order for the date to be successfully parsed',
              ['Test that text surrounding a date in a date string is ignored',
                ['DATE --> 2001-09-11 <-- DATE','{YYYY}-{MM}-{DD}'],
                _newDate (2001,9,11)
              ['Test that a date string to parse may contain multiple dates, but only the date matching the specified format will govern the result',
                _newDate (2001,9,11)
              ['Test that a date string may contain multiple dates of a specified format, but only the first date matching the format will be parsed',
                _newDate (2000,8,10)
              ['Test that extraneous text around tokens may contain regular expression special characters',
                _newDate (2001,9,11)

            /*** test whitespace handling ***/
              ['Test that whitespace within extraneous static text is implicitly treated as flexible',
                ['DATE:    2001-09-11','DATE: {YYYY}-{MM}-{DD}'],
                _newDate (2001,9,11)
              ['Test that whitespace within extraneous static text requires that some whitespace exist in the same place in the date string to parse',
                ['DATE:2001-09-11','DATE: {YYYY}-{MM}-{DD}'],
              ['Test that tokens imply optional arbitrary whitespace around them in a date string to parse',
                ['2001 \t - \n 09    -    11','{YYYY}-{MM}-{DD}'],
                _newDate (2001,9,11)

            /*** miscellaneous tests ***/
              ['Test that a date string containing tokens for all components of a date is handled correctly',
                  'YY: 01, YYYY: 2001, MM: 09, monthNo: 9, monthName: September, shortMonthName: Sep, DD: 11, dayNo: 11, dayNoSuffix: th, dayName: Tuesday, shortDayName: Tue, hh: 08, h12: 8, hh12: 08, mm: 46, minutes: 46, ss: 40, seconds: 40, zzz: 095, milliseconds: 95, ampm: am',
                  'YY: {YY}, YYYY: {YYYY}, MM: {MM}, monthNo: {monthNo}, monthName: {monthName}, shortMonthName: {shortMonthName}, DD: {DD}, dayNo: {dayNo}, dayNoSuffix: {dayNoSuffix}, dayName: {dayName}, shortDayName: {shortDayName}, hh: {hh}, h12: {h12}, hh12: {hh12}, mm: {mm}, minutes: {minutes}, ss: {ss}, seconds: {seconds}, zzz: {zzz}, milliseconds: {milliseconds}, ampm: {ampm}'
              ['Test that the same token can be used more than once in the format string, and that the last instance of the token wins',
                _newDate (2003)
              ['Test that date parsing is case insensitive, for both month names and day names, as well as extraneous static text around tokens',
                ['date: tUeSdAy 11TH sEpTeMbEr 2001','DATE: {dayName} {dayNo}{dayNoSuffix} {monthName} {YYYY}'],
                _newDate (2001,9,11)

            /*** test support for objects that implement valueOf interface ***/
              ['Test that a date specified as a Date object instance is handled correctly',
                [Uize.Class.Value ({value:_testDate})],
              ['Specifying the value null for the date to parse produces the value undefined',
                [Uize.Class.Value ({value:null})],
              ['Specifying an empty string for the date to parse produces the value undefined',
                [Uize.Class.Value ({value:''})],
              ['Test that a date specified as a number is handled correctly',
                [Uize.Class.Value ({value:+_testDate})],
              ['Test that a date specified as a number is handled correctly',
                [Uize.Class.Value ({value:'2001-09-11'}),'{YYYY}-{MM}-{DD}'],
                _newDate (2001,9,11)

            /*** test fallback to use of Uize.Date.resolve method when no format is specified ***/
              ['When no format is specified, an ISO 8601 formatted date is parsed correctly',
                _newDate (2001,9,11)
              ['When no format is specified, a serialized Date object is parsed correctly',
                [_newDate (2001,9,11,8,46,40) + ''],
                _newDate (2001,9,11,8,46,40)