SOURCE CODE: Uize.Test.Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks (view docs)

|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Test.Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks Class
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2014-2016 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Test
  importance: 1
  codeCompleteness: 100
  docCompleteness: 100

    The =Uize.Test.Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks= module defines a suite of unit tests for the =Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks= module.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`

Uize.module ({
  builder:function () {
    'use strict';

    return Uize.Test.resolve ({
      title:'Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks Module Test',
        Uize.Test.requiredModulesTest ('Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks'),
        Uize.Test.staticMethodsTest ([
            ['A backslash-escaped new line at the start of the string is unescaped to a new line character',
              '\\nfoo bar',
              '\nfoo bar'
            ['A backslash-escaped new line at the end of the string is unescaped to a new line character',
              'foo bar\\n',
              'foo bar\n'
            ['A backslash-escaped new line in the middle of the string is unescaped to a new line character',
            ['A backslash-escaped carriage return is unescaped to a carriage return character',
            ['An "n" or "r" with an even number of preceding backslash characters is not escaped to a new line or carriage return, but is left as an "n" or "r" character, and the preceding backslash characters are treated as backslash-escaped backslashes',
              '\\\\\\\\n \\\\\\\\r',
              '\\\\n \\\\r'
            ['An "n" or "r" with an odd number of preceding backslash characters is escaped to a new line or carriage return, and the preceding backslash characters minus the immediately preceding backslash character are treated as backslash-escaped backslashes',
              '\\\\\\\\\\n \\\\\\\\\\r',
              '\\\\\n \\\\\r'
            ['A character following an escaping backslash but that is neither an "n" nor an "r" is left as is',
            ['An escaping backslash that is at the end of the string and that is not paired with an escape character code is ignored',
            ['New line characters are backslash-escaped',
            ['Carriage return characters are backslash-escaped',
            ['Backslash characters are backslash-escaped',
              '\\red \\\\nut',
              '\\\\red \\\\\\\\nut'