SOURCE CODE: Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Builder (view docs)

|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Builder Class
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2010-2016 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Test
  importance: 1
  codeCompleteness: 100
  docCompleteness: 100

    The =Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Builder= module defines a suite of unit tests for the =Uize.Str.Builder= module.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`

Uize.module ({
  builder:function () {
    'use strict';

    function _getHelloStringBuilderAppended () {
      var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ();
      _stringBuilder.append ('H');
      _stringBuilder.append ('e');
      _stringBuilder.append ('l');
      _stringBuilder.append ('l');
      _stringBuilder.append ('o');

      return _stringBuilder;

    return Uize.Test.resolve ({
      title:'Test for Uize.Str.Builder Module',
        Uize.Test.requiredModulesTest ('Uize.Str.Builder'),
          title:'Test creating an instance with no constructor arguments (should initialize to empty string)',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ();
            return this.expect (0,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'Test creating an instance with a non-empty string as initial value',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ('hello');
            return this.expect (5,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('hello',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'Test creating an instance with a number as initial value',
          test:function () {
            return this.expect ('1234567',(Uize.Str.Builder (1234567)).valueOf ());
          title:'Test creating an instance with a boolean as initial value',
          test:function () {
            return this.expect ('true',(Uize.Str.Builder (true)).valueOf ());
          title:'Test that equals instance method works when strings are equal',
          test:function () {
            return this.expect (true,(Uize.Str.Builder ('hello')).equals ('hello'));
          title:'Test that equals instance method works with no parameters (i.e. testing for empty string)',
          test:function () {
            return (
              this.expect (true,Uize.Str.Builder ().equals ()) &&
              this.expect (false,Uize.Str.Builder ('hello').equals ())
          title:'Test that equals instance method works when strings are not equal',
          test:function () {
            return this.expect (false,Uize.Str.Builder ('hello').equals ('goodbye'));
          title:'The getValue, valueOf, and toString instance methods all return the same result',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ('hello');
            return (
              this.expect ('hello',_stringBuilder.getValue ()) &&
              this.expect ('hello',_stringBuilder.valueOf ()) &&
              this.expect ('hello',_stringBuilder.toString ())
          title:'A string builder instance can be coerced to a string',
          test:function () {
            return this.expect ('hello',Uize.Str.Builder ('hello') + '');
          title:'Test that append instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ();
            _stringBuilder.append ('h');
            _stringBuilder.append ('e');
            _stringBuilder.append ('l');
            _stringBuilder.append ('l');
            _stringBuilder.append ('o');
            return this.expect (5,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('hello',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'Test that prepend instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ();
            _stringBuilder.prepend ('o');
            _stringBuilder.prepend ('l');
            _stringBuilder.prepend ('l');
            _stringBuilder.prepend ('e');
            _stringBuilder.prepend ('h');
            return this.expect (5,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('hello',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'Test that append and prepend instance methods work correctly in combination',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ();
            _stringBuilder.append ('l');
            _stringBuilder.prepend ('e');
            _stringBuilder.append ('l');
            _stringBuilder.prepend ('h');
            _stringBuilder.append ('o');
            return this.expect (5,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('hello',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'A number type value can be appended',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder (123);
            _stringBuilder.append (4567);
            return this.expect (7,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('1234567',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'A boolean type value can be appended',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder (false);
            _stringBuilder.append (true);
            return this.expect (9,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('falsetrue',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'A number type value can be prepended',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder (4567);
            _stringBuilder.prepend (123);
            return this.expect (7,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('1234567',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'A boolean type value can be prepended',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder (true);
            _stringBuilder.prepend (false);
            return this.expect (9,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('falsetrue',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'Test that clear instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ('hello');
            _stringBuilder.clear ();
            return this.expect (0,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'Test that setValue instance method with non-empty string works correctly',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ('hello');
            _stringBuilder.setValue ('goodbye');
            return this.expect (7,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('goodbye',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'Test that setValue instance method with no parameters works correctly',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ('hello');
            _stringBuilder.setValue ();
            return this.expect (0,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'Test that setValue instance method with number value works correctly',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ('hello');
            _stringBuilder.setValue (1234567);
            return this.expect (7,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('1234567',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'Test that setValue instance method with boolean value works correctly',
          test:function () {
            var _stringBuilder = Uize.Str.Builder ('hello');
            _stringBuilder.setValue (true);
            return this.expect (4,_stringBuilder.length) && this.expect ('true',_stringBuilder.valueOf ());
          title:'Test that charAt instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect ('o',_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().charAt (4))}
          title:'Test that charCodeAt instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect (111,_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().charCodeAt (4))}
          title:'Test that concat instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {
            return this.expect ('Hello there you',_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().concat (' there',' you'));
          title:'Test that indexOf instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect (2,_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().indexOf ('l'))}
          title:'Test that lastIndexOf instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect (3,_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().lastIndexOf ('l'))}
          title:'Test that match instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect ('ll',_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().match (/l+/) [0])}
          title:'Test that replace instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect ('Heo',_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().replace (/l+/,''))}
          title:'Test that search instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect (2,_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().search (/l+/))}
          title:'Test that slice instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect ('el',_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().slice (1,3))}
          title:'Test that split instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {
            return this.expect (['H','e','l','l','o'],_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().split (''));
          title:'Test that substr instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect ('el',_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().substr (1,2))}
          title:'Test that substring instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect ('e',_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().substring (1,2))}
          title:'Test that toLowerCase instance method works correctly',
          test:function () {return this.expect ('hello',_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().toLowerCase ())}
          title:'Test the HTML related instance methods to make sure they work correctly',
          test:function () {
            return (
              this.expect ('Hello'.anchor ('blah'),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().anchor ('blah')) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.big (),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().big ()) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.blink (),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().blink ()) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.bold (),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().bold ()) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.fixed (),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().fixed ()) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.fontcolor ('FFFFFF'),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().fontcolor ('FFFFFF')) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.fontsize ('12px'),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().fontsize ('12px')) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.italics (),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().italics ()) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.link (''),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().link ('')) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.small (),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().small ()) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.strike (),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().strike ()) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.sub (),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().sub ()) &&
              this.expect ('Hello'.sup (),_getHelloStringBuilderAppended ().sup ())