UIZE JavaScript Framework

TO DO - Uize.Curve.Plot

This is a proposal document for a Uize.Curve.Plot module.

a class that allows the creation of arbitrarily complex multi-point curve functions

1. Uize.Curve.Plot.plot

x distribution curve function, array of y values, y-to-y interpolation curve function
array of x and y values, y-to-y interpolation curve function
array of x and y values and interpolation curve function
Uize.Curve.Plot.plot (pointsARRAY)
Uize.Curve.Plot.plot (pointsARRAY,interpolationCurveFUNC)
Uize.Curve.Plot.plot (pointsARRAY,interpolationCurveFUNC,distributionCurveFUNC)

1.1. pointsARRAY can be...

array of numbers, being y values

1.1.1. - array of objects, containing x, y, and curve properties

if x property is not present, use distributionCurveFUNC
if curve property is not present, use interpolationCurveFUNC