UIZE JavaScript Framework

2009 NEWS 2009-11-04 - UIZE Adds Support for CSV (Comma Separated Values)

The UIZE JavaScript Framework has added support for CSV (Comma Separated Values) formatted data, in the form of the new Uize.Data.Csv module.

The Uize.Data.Csv module provides highly versatile methods for serializing to and parsing from CSV formatted data. The Uize.Data.Csv module offers full support for all features of the CSV format (see RFC 4180), including multiline column values, automatic quoting of column values that contain special characters, respecting all whitespace, and optional header rows.

In addition, the Uize.Data.Csv module provides support for non-standard options, such as a configurable quoting character, configurable value delimiter, configurable quoting behavior, and optional trimming of whitespace padding around values. The Uize.Data.Csv module also supports serializing from and parsing to arrays of arrays or arrays of objects. When records are represented as objects, each key represents the name of a column and each value is that column's value. When records are represented as arrays, then each element of a record's array is a column value. Finally, when serializing from an array of objects, the Uize.Data.Csv module supports controlling column ordering and filtering (where only a subset of the columns in the data set are serialized).

This new module is comprehensively documented, and loads of examples are provided. LEARN MORE